1. Will you deliver my order during MCO? 在行动管制令期间会提供送货服务吗?
Yes, we have gotten approval from MITI to operate throughout the MCO. Our trucks are able to travel on the road to deliver the finest seafood to your doorsteps.
As requested by the government authorities, all of our trucks are disinfected before and after each batch of deliveries. Also, our drivers are equipped with face mask and hand sanitizer, to ensure they are safe to perform the deliveries.
会的,我们已经获得了MITI的批准,可以在行动管制令期间照常运作, 也能将最优质的海鲜运送到您的家。 根据政府部门的要求,我们的所有罗里都会在送货前后进行消毒。另外,我们的司机都配备口罩和洗手液,以确保他们安全的进行送货服务。
2. How do you source the products during MCO? 您如何在行动管制令期间采购产品?
We have import licence and we have been importing all of our products directly from our suppliers. As our business is classified as Essential Services and is permitted to operate throughout MCO, we are able to import the finest seafood as usual to ensure consistent supply during the lock down.
我们拥有进口许可证,而且我们一直都直接进口所有产品。由于我们的业务被归类为Essential Service,并且允许在行动管制令期间照常运作,以确保市场上有足够的海产供应。
3. When will I receive my order and where do you deliver to? 什么时候可以收到我的订单和你们的送货范围包括哪里?
Please refer to Terms and Conditions page for more information.
请参阅Terms and Conditions以获取更多信息。
4. I am having problems with my payment on Paypal, what should I do? 我在Paypal上付款时遇到问题,该怎么办?
Please WhatsApp or call us at +6011 2859 6088 for assistance.
请WhatsApp或致电+6011 2859 6088寻求帮助。
5. Are fresh seafood better than the frozen ones? 新鲜的海鲜比冷冻的来的好吗?
Not necessary. Most frozen seafood is caught and immediately frozen to retain nutrients and freshness. Fresh seafood from faraway places, on the other hand, loses some of its nutrient value while traveling and then sitting on a shelf for days or longer.
We are meticulous in selecting our source as we want to ensure our suppliers are using the advanced Individual Quick Freezing technology to deep freeze the products. To enjoy the locked-in quality and taste, we recommend you to fully thaw the products before cooking them and avoid re-freezing thawed products.
6. What should I do after receiving my order? 收到订单后我该怎么办?
Keep them in the freezer as soon as you receive it, unless you wish to cook it on the same day. Remember, thaw once only.